Cork Mat - Artist

Clarence Valley based Aboriginal Artist , Fiona Vesper
If I were to describe myself, I would probably use the words - world changer. I thrive to use my past experiences as a lesson to better my future self. I also like to believe that I make an impact on those around me, influencing the world one person at a time. When I was younger, I was a very emotional kid and never really knew how to express myself through words. I later came to realise that art (painting and drawing) helped me to categorise my thoughts, clear my head and ‘get my ducks in a row'. Today I create neutral Aboriginal contemporary art, to share these past experiences, cultural differences and to help teach others about the Aboriginal culture. This is where my inspirations and creative ideas are born. At an age of 10years, I realised that I had a skill for art. I have other family members who are artists, who helped teach me the symbols and stories of Aboriginal art.
I heard about Zenvibes through their website.Their ‘earth friendly practices’ as a company was my biggest attractions. I love that Zenvibes promotes regular activity and positivity - a quality I aim to have as an artist.
‘River Run’ and ‘Flowing Rivers’ were first inspired by my family home on the Clarence Valley. But also the peacefulness that a body of water can give off. I know when I am near any body of water, whether that be a beach or a river, I always feel a sense of peace and calmness. I wanting this to radiate onto our mats.
When I am feeling any sort of emotion, this verse always helps me to gather my thoughts and quiet my mind “remember who you are”